Are you at risk of having a stroke?

23 Jan

Are you at risk of having a stroke?

In recent years strokes have become more common among people under 60 years of age. Elderly people, working age adults and even teenagers can be threatened by strokes depending upon a range of factors.

Types of strokes include Embolic strokes that occur when blood clots form, possibly in the heart or elsewhere, travel in the blood, clogging the small blood vessels in the brain.

  • Cerebral thrombosis occurs when blood clots form inside a blood vessel within the brain that has been narrowed by the buildup of fatty substances.
  • Hemorrhagic strokes occur when weakened blood vessels rupture and bleed in the brain. The blood accumulates and puts pressure on the surrounding brain tissues, causing damage.

Time is the key to stroke treatments. If symptoms occur, patients should be in the care of specialists as soon as possible. If reached in time, modern technology can greatly improve the chances of survival and even complete recovery.

  • Stroke symptoms include weakness of the arms, numb limbs, and an unsteady walk. Difficult speech can also occur, with the inability to complete a sentence, along with a drooping appearance in the face, usually with a severe headache.
  • Recognised stroke risks are high blood pressure, diabetes, smoking, carotid artery stenosis and atrial fibrillation or other heart diseases. Try to avoid excessive alcohol intake, partake of regular physical activity and encourage weight control.

Stroke treatment. If a major clot is confirmed material will be injected into the bloodstream to pinpoint its location, after which it may be removed by minimally invasive surgical treatment. Due to the fragile nature of tiny blood vessels, all procedures must be performed by expert teams of radiologists and neurosurgeons.

Strokes can happen to anyone and may reoccur. Follow a healthy lifestyle, study your family history and consider an annual checkup. For those affected by stroke activity, try to bear in mind early rehabilitation leads to faster brain and muscle function recovery. It can also prevent various complications, such as muscle weakness, respiratory tract infection and thrombosis.

Information source : Bangkok Neuroscience Centre