Company Overview
Supervision and Management
and Internal Control Policies
The Code of Conduct and the company’s value adherence to business practices and effective internal control within a robust control environment are fundamental to good operation. One of the company’s obligations to the shareholders, policyholders, creditors, and regulators are creating confidence in such individuals that the company has a good internal control system and significant risks are managed with due care.
- Business Standards: The company operates its business with honesty and integrity. We respect the human rights and interests of our employees. We will also respect the interests of our business partners.
- Responsibility for Shareholders: The company operates its business with honesty and integrity. We respect the human rights and interests of our employees. We will also respect the interests of our business partners.
- Business Partners: The company is committed to create relationships that bring benefits to customers and other counterparts who the company expects to do business together. Business associates shall adhere to the same Code of Conduct.
- Employee Responsibility: Employees are the most valuable resource and the key to organizational success. The company is responsible for maintaining the working environment to ensure the safety of life and property of employees and strictly adheres to the labour law.
- Customer Responsibility: The company recognizes the trust that our customers have and decides to use the service with the company. Therefore, we strive to produce good products and quality services and look for opportunities to develop and increase our efficiency to the next level.
- Market Competition: The company believes in fair competition and supports the development of appropriate trade competition laws. The company and its employees shall conduct the business in accordance with the rules and regulations in a fair manner.
- Integrity: We will not give or accept any bribes both direct or indirect mean, as well as benefits or financial gain through the business misconduct. All employees must not offer or receive any gifts whether it is an item or money that is classified as a bribe. Any claim or offer of a bribe must be rejected promptly and reported to the management if any such action is taken.
- Conflict of Interest: All employees must avoid personal business or financial gain that may be inconsistent with their duties in the company and do not seek the benefit of yourself or others by using their position in the inappropriate way.
- Customer Focus
Create a culture to meet the needs or solve problems for customers quickly and with continuous and long-term quality.To exceed the expectations of customers who bring business opportunities to us. - Effectiveness-Oriented
Assist in the effectiveness of the work by focusing on outcomes at the end of the activity through a clear set of indicators to achieve goals or objectives resulting in success of individual, team and organization level - Continuous Improvement
Continuous improvement to enhance productivity is essential in today’s competitive environment. Improving job creation brings change to new quality to indicate the significant customer acceptance which requires continuous development throughout the organization. - Professionalism
Professionalism requires ethics, morality, knowledge, understanding and self-development to be professional in their work which must have a sense of self-responsibility, social organization and nation. - Teamwork
Teamwork is crucial for the efficiency and effectiveness of management. Ideal team is a group of people who work together to achieve certain goal. Teamwork means much more than just a group of people. The heart of teamwork depends on having strong leaders and team-driven players. In order to achieve the objectives, every party involved must devote his willingness, thought and cooperation.
- Integrity
Honesty is a virtue required to every society. To be honest with oneself, family, work or nation brings success in life. Integrity in the workplace will directly affect our personal attributes that others see or perceive in us whether the person is honest or not. It also includes ongoing results to our own agencies and organizations.