How to Submit a Claim

You may follow the step of claim procedure as per menu below:

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Related Documents

Related Documents
1. PCHI-Notification of Admission or Pre-arrange Click to Download
2. PCHI-Notification of Claim and Attending Physician report Click to Download
3. Health Insurance Card
4. Copy of ID card or Passport (whichever case may be)
1. PCHI-Notification of Admission or Pre-arrange Click to Download
2. PCHI-Notification of Claim and Attending Physician report Click to Download
3. Copy of passbook (for transfering claim amount)
4. Original receipt and details related to the payment

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Related Documents

Related Documents
1. PCHI-OPD ER Declaration Form andor medical certificate(EN) → Click to Download
2. Copy of passbook (for transfering claim amount)
3. Original receipt and details related to the payment

Note: Incase of no additional document required the payment process shall finished within 5 working days

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